Welcome Juni Learning Families!


Gain admission to your dream college

Your free, 30-minute, video consultation, is your chance to discuss your student’s academic future with one of our Enrollment Specialists.


  • Discuss your student’s academic background, goals, and interests

  • Learn more about Empowerly’s methodology and team that will help your student achieve their goals

  • Get a customized plan that best fit your student’s needs

Please note that a parent or guardian must be on the consultation.


Join our Webinars:

Empowerly college admissions webinars and in-person events offer valuable information about the college application process, presented by our team of experts and former college admissions officers. Whether you’re interested in merit scholarships, Ivy League institutions, or general college admissions, our webinars and events have everything you need.

Startup Internship Program

The Empowerly Startup Internship Program gives students the opportunity to explore careers, develop professional skills, work with globally-minded companies, and complete projects designed to support the company and strengthen the students' resumes.